Bad Faith Insurance



Any attempt of an insurer to back out on its responsibility to its clients is best defined as Bad Faith Insurance. Example, when an insurance company garble an insurance contract language to the policy holder just to evade paying claims or fail to disclose policy extent, and exclusions before policyholder purchase the policy, and making unreasonable stipulation to prove a covered loss, are all grounds for litigation.

How to prove a bad insurance faith?

You might be in a bad faith, when your insurance company exhibits these 4 signs:

Your Insurance Company Refuses to settle a claim without any sensible justification.

Considered as the most common type of bad faith claim, it’s as if the insurance company is telling you that they are not going to give you any money because we don’t fancy you. Some of the tricks that they do is to cite a portion in your contract that is difficult to comprehend just to get away from the obligation.

  • Your Insurance Company Requires Nonsensical Amount of Evidence or Proof to Reinforce your Claims
  • It is a deceitful tactic that insurance companies do to simply make an excuse in getting away from settling financial claims. These insurance company tricks naive policyholders by requiring them with documents that aren’t even stated in the signed policy.
  • Your Insurance Company Rejects Your Claims to Be Investigated in a Timely Manner
  • When insurers refuses to pay, or tries to delay in settling your financial claims despite you providing all necessary documents, this can be a ground for first party insurance bad faith litigation.
  • Your Insurance Company tries to Settle Your Claims Less than What You Actually Deserve

We can’t deny that insurance companies are also businesses that aims profit. That is why their goal is not to assure their customers that they are in good hands, but to pay their policyholders as little as possible—a crafty way of fulfilling their duties while making the most out of your money.

What covers a bad faith insurance claim?

If you filed a case of bad faith insurance claims, the insurance company is liable to pay the damages far beyond what is stated in your contract. Here are some of the fees that your insurance company is required to pay for on top of the total cost of damages:

  • Statutory Interest
  • Attorney Fees
  • Economic Loss
  • Psychological and Emotional Trauma
  • Statutory Penalties
  • Economic Loss
  • Judgements in Excess Policy Limits Liability

Negligence of the insurance company is directly proportional to the compensation the policyholder can get. This means that the worse your insurance company provides their service, the greater the compensation you can get in a bad faith claim.

How can a Montana Bad Faith Insurance Attorney Help with Your Claims?

Knowing your rights is the first step to finding a solution to your legal problems. Montana insurance law offers the insured a variety of protections. With the help of your Billings Insurance Bad Faith Lawyer, he will ensure that you receive the said protections and brings action against even the largest insurers when they act fraudulently or in bad faith.

Part of the expertise of a professional Billings Bad Faith Insurance Lawyer is to analyze very detail of your policy to determine why and counter your insurer’s actions when warranted. Regardless of how complex your case is, your attorney will vigorously to defend your rights in court in court if litigation becomes necessary to get you the best possible result.

At Joe Frick Law, PLLC, we represent policyholders throughout Montana in bad faith claims against their carriers. We represent clients throughout Montana in claims against insurers and help pursue the benefits they deserve under the terms of their insurance policy.

In insurance litigation and appeals, we provide services for clients involving:

  • First-party claims
  • Third-party claims
  • Claim management consulting
  • Motor vehicle claims
  • Construction claims
  • Analysis and interpretation of insurance policies

Our firm has a proven record of successful settlements and jury verdicts and we work tirelessly to provide you the best possible result. Call us at 406-272-4493 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation at our Billings office.

Injuries caused by someone else's negligence needs fair justice. Let us help you fight for your right to compensated.

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